Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Super Sweet 16

The end of this month marks my 16th anniversary of moving to New York City. I came here for college when I was 18 years old with one suitcase, and now I have accumulated more possessions (and memories) than I could ever account for.

But this post isn't about my last sixteen years in the city or how I love it and have no plans to leave New York until I reach the point when flying in and seeing the Manhattan skyline no longer causes my heart to flutter--and ease--a little. [Note: this actually did happen once, and that was when I flew over Ground Zero a few months after 9/11 and it was still smoking. I think my heart dropped at that moment.]

This weekend I was at a baby shower for my friend Murphy (of Team Cookie fame) and there were a good number of people I didn't know, so we played the "How do you know her?" game. I know Murphy through Miss Danna, who I met at our very first job out of college. Over the years I've gotten to know many of Danna's college friends and they are all dear friends of mine now. I feel like I am an honorary SUNY Purchase alumna, I know so many people who went there. The funny thing is, I have more friends from there than I do from my own college. Which is about eight blocks away from my house. Most people I know have a tight coterie of college friends. I don't have this at all. [Unless Sonya counts as a coterie?] I have my friends from high school, from grad school x2, from every single job I've ever had, including working at the Gap in high school, but not so much from college. I guess I just didn't stay in touch with any of them.

That's a little weird, right?

But I'm not complaining. I'm happy with what I've got.

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