Monday, August 17, 2009

It's like high school all over again, except I'm meaner

One of my main responsibilities at work is special projects--it's probably at least 50% of my job. Basically, this means that if they need someone to work on a project or join a committee no one else has time (or inclination) for, I am automatically volunteered.

One of my current projects is to work on the development of a research "advisory council" made up of research staff. It is essentially going to be a student council of research staff, with elected members, who will tackle important issues. Like prom. Oops, sorry, wrong type of council.

Now, this project is perfect for me since I have six years of student council experience under my belt. Grades 7-12, baby! Elected to Executive Board the last two years, no less. (Yes, this was in addition to my senior class presidential duties. Totally ridiculous, I know. It's a burden being popular.)

We are working out all of the by-laws and logistics for the first election and it has been decided that this initial council's Board will be made up of people from the development committee. There are three Board positions and five committee members, myself included. That means only two people will be off the hook. Take a wild guess who everyone wants to be Chair...You got it. Yours truly. This will never happen, for many reasons, but I had to laugh at how it was just like high school all over again. Except my hair is better and I'm much snarkier.

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