Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Post-Christmas signs

Today was my first day back at work after a blissful 5 days straight off. It is sad to be here, but it's a 3 day week so I think it will be okay. I need to take a break from eating so much anyways. Who ever thought that I would ever tire of eating prime rib, stuffing and mashed potatoes???

However, around 10:30am here in my cubicle, the power went out. My computer screen went black. My spaceheater shut off. I had a mini-blackout within my 5x5 space.

I took it as a sign that I shouldn't be here at work.

I suspect that the girl behind me had turned on HER new space heater, which her crazy boss got her for christmas (my other coworker thinks it was ordered through Staples on our office's tab). The space heater is much bigger than mine and probably shorted out the fuse. Very annoying.

I'm ready to go home.

Later that afternoon, I broke the copy machine too. Apparently, asking it to make copies from 1-sided to 2-sided, sorted, and stapled was just too much for it and it freaked out. I managed to clear out the multiple paper jams, but it said there was a stapler problem. I wasn't going to go near the stapler thing. I sure as hell didn't want to lose an eye.

The admin people in the office asked me to stay away from anything electrical for the rest of the day.

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