Thursday, January 11, 2007

Puzzle madness!

First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Secondly, a happy birthday to me!!! Teehee.

Okay, back to the good stuff:

So I sometimes find myself going through phases of activity where I read a lot, do logic puzzles all the time, bake goodies every day, etc. Now I've moved onto jigsaw puzzles. They totally rock. But more so when done with friends. And perhaps while drinking. It is good fun and good quality time, while still working the brain. I highly recommend. Here's what I've been working on the past 6 weeks or so...

Puzzle #1 was done at Second Thanksgiving dinner at my house:

Puzzle #2 was done on New Year's Eve after a fantastic beef tenderloin meal, while drinking whiskey. Note: Not only was it extra challenging because it was a 3D puzzle, but we had to know our geography too!

And for my birthday trip this past weekend, not one, but TWO puzzles were done:

I was doing a little post-birthday shopping with the family and the toy store had all puzzles on sale. I bought 3 boxes of them.

I might need a puzzle intervention.

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