Wednesday, October 06, 2010

WANTED: cultural curator / personal assistant

I can't keep up.  I just can't.

One of the perks of living in New York City is that there are a million and one things to do at any given time. We are the city that never sleeps. (Which isn't to say, when I really need an idea for something to do, I can't think of anything awesome.)  And in addition to keeping abreast of those activities, there's always new music, art, shows, etc. to follow. Oh yes, and the news. Current events are always good.

So I'm on at least a dozen different mailing lists about all of those sorts of things. I joined Twitter (hold on, before you mock me!) for the newsfeeds--sadly, none of my friends are on there regularly so I have to rely on Gothamist, the Onion, and Conan O'Brian to entertain me with tweets. I read various websites. I talk to people. But I still miss out on cool things that are going on, generally finding out about them the day of.  That doesn't really work for my schedule.

What I really need is a cultural curator. Someone to filter through all of those channels and give me a concise list of things I should know about.  I need a debriefing twice a day or something. It's not that I want to be cutting edge, I just want someone to tell me what is going on so I don't have to spend the time figuring out myself.

Applications currently being accepted. Inquire within.

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