Monday, October 18, 2010

I am becoming that friend...

You know, the flaky one.  Who forgets your birthday. And never texts you back.

Since I've given up my Moleskine planner and went electronic with the iPhone--I know, I never thought it would happen either, but I just can't carry all that stuff around. I'm trying to simplify my life--I keep forgetting people's birthdays, and things that I've had planned weeks in advance.  It's not a huge deal (I always make it to events, and belated birthday wishes are better than none at all), but I like to be on top of things.  I am also terrible at returning texts now--I read them and forget to go back and respond. Why? Sure, I'm busy as usual, but I think my iPhone offers too many distractions. Like Boggle. Harbor Master. And Pocket Frogs. Sweet, sweet, Pocket Frogs.  The biggest time suck in my life right now. 

I don't have a great solution.  The iPhone is here to stay, as my memory slowly and quietly fades away. I guess I just have to be more mindful? And perhaps set better reminders in my calendar...

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