Saturday, October 30, 2010

To Do...At the Bottom of the List

Full disclosure:  I do not floss regularly. (I do brush my teeth at least twice a day.) So I was not surprised when I went for my 6 month teeth cleaning last week and the dental hygienist said to me, "You don't floss."

My response? Surprisingly, not guilty embarrassment. I think I'm getting too old for that. I said to her, "Maria, no, I don't floss. And you know what? I have a long list of things I have to do regularly: taking my meds and daily vitamin, exercising regularly, wearing sunscreen every day, moisturizing, going to all of my regular doctors appts, etc.  Flossing is just low on that list and will probably never move up."

She didn't exactly laugh, but she seemed to understand. "You should still floss, but at least you come every 6 months for a cleaning so it doesn't get too bad--but it still doesn't replace flossing."

Don't worry, Maria, my next cleaning is on my To Do list.

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