Friday, June 17, 2011

Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

I took a tumble last weekend while pushing my grandma cart full of laundry back home.  The cart hit a rut in the uneven pavement and went flying.  I, in turn, flew after it into the street.

Don't worry, I was fine. Picked myself up and my laundry and trudged back home, disgruntled.  Now, I am very easily bruised--if you look at me too hard a bruise will form. I am also a hyper-pigmenter, so I had a feeling things were going to get UGLY.  And they did.

Funny enough, it happened so fast, I didn't totally remember how I fell. But since my entire upper body is unscathed, I deduced that my lower body took the fall.  I think my legs fell on top of the cart and then I just rolled off.  No bracing myself with hands or arms or head. This seems to be confirmed with the cart grid lines visible through the bruises. It makes me laugh and cry to look at it.

I iced some of the bruises the first day and have been religiously putting arnica ointment on it.  So far, so good! Things are healing along:

Day 3

Day 5

Close up. Note the gridlines from the cart.

Day 11

Day 21.  Barely any trace of bruise left!

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