Friday, December 10, 2010

The House Rabbit Society Welcomes You

Anyone who knows me knows I love bunnies. I'm not ashamed. I had two rabbits: Mr. Bun, the 17lb albino during junior high, and Annabelle, the black and white lop eared sweetie.  Both were great, had their own personalities, and both had sweet tooths (one for Danish butter cookies, the other for chewy candies that were not orange flavored.) I loved them both dearly.

And because everyone who knows me knows I love rabbits, they love to give me things with rabbit themes.  I embrace them all. 

Today I was toting my oversized canvas grocery bag with a bunny silkscreened on it, and this kooky looking older lady (why do they always have frizzy hair?) comes up to me on the subway platform and asks if I have a rabbit. I say I used to have rabbits, but not anymore.  She then proceeds to tell me that she is a member of the House Rabbit Society and she owns 4 rabbits. Plus a dwarf. As if that poor tiny dwarf rabbit does not count as a real rabbit? 

I replied, "That's nice" and ran onto the opposite train.

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