Wednesday, June 02, 2010

To Do...

I openly admit that I am not particularly tech savvy. Sure, I blog, I Google like nobody's business and I am a pro at online shopping, but I have only just noticed that there is a specific camera button on the cell phone I've had for the past two years. And I can barely use my little digital camera.

My friend Westchester is all about the electronic. At least 2 Apple devices go off when he gets an email, and he seems to control everything with his iPhone. It's scary. When I mentioned to him that I still keep a paper calendar (I ♥ my Moleskine) and honest to god paper To-Do lists, where I gleefully cross things out with a marker, he almost had a seizure. It got worse when I mentioned I will probably stick with my old (paper loving) ways even after I get the new iPhone in a few months.

Yes, yes, I know it is bad for the trees. But will using an electronic device lessen my carbon footprint more than pen and paper?

Also, old habits die hard. I think handwriting is a dying art. I spent all that time in grade school honing my special print (cursive was definitely not for me.) When is the last time you saw a friend's handwriting? I think for a large majority of people I've befriended in the last few years, I would not recognize their handwriting. In fact, I may never have even seen their handwriting. There is something to be said about a personal, handwritten note; text and email--as much as I love it--just doesn't quite make the cut.

Luckily, I have a small coterie of friends who love real mail as much as I do, and we send each other cards and postcards.  I am fairly certain I could identify them by their handwriting alone. I think that is a testament to our friendship, no?

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