Friday, November 13, 2009

Paper show

I don't normally post about art shows I've gone to, but Slash: Paper Under the Knife at the Museum of Art & Design was fantastic. Granted, paper cutting is very close to my heart and I wish I had the talent, time, and OCD to do it more often.

Here are two of my favorites:

Shed. Thomas Demand
He takes scenes from found photographs, makes a 3D recreation in paper (yep, everything above--including that yellow sponge--is made out of paper), then photographs it.

Concretion/Conglomerate. Shaul Tzemach
I wasn't sure if it was hand or laser cut at first. It's hand cut. With an X-acto knife. Amazing. There is an extremely high level of OCD involved if you cut paper to mere millimeter widths by hand. (This picture doesn't do the intricate detail justice.)

Please check out this show.

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