Friday, August 15, 2008

Dispatch from Bike School

It's Summer Streets in Manhattan, which means that for three Saturdays in August, a few miles of avenue are closed to traffic and open to bicyclists, runners, walkers, loiterers, etc.

They are also offering free bike lessons for adults and kids.

Now, I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I don't know how to ride a bike. (No, really, I never learned when I was a kid.) I had my first bike lesson in Minnesota last summer, and figured that I might as well have lesson #2 this year. (I realize that at this rate, I will finally be riding a bike around age 56 or so.)

Overall, I think the lesson went well. They took the pedals off the bikes so we could work on our balance and coasting. We went back and forth over a stretch of slightly sloping road in front of the courthouse. I had my good moments where I felt like I was getting the hang of it. And then there were the other moments where I was not getting the hang of it. I didn't graduate up to pedals. I probably could have, but I didn't want to rush it. I think with a few more lessons, I'll actually be able to ride a bike.

HOWEVER, the biggest lesson learned today? Biking hurts like a mother. The bike seat is not kind to one's tenders. Especially when one is shifting their weight back and forth while learning to ride a bike. I hurt. I suspect I will still hurt tomorrow (wimper.)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

From the desk of the only Fortune Cookie in the U.S.

I've seen this site before, but it's given me endless entertainment today:

According to this site, there is only one person in the U.S. with my name. I am going to assume that they are referring to me.

Strangely enough, a few of my friends were listed as not 1, but "1 or fewer" in the U.S. That seems to minimize their significance, especially as we know that each is a solid, full-fledged (and quite wonderful) person. With the right to vote, to boot. Perhaps they are not a +1, but they are unquestionably a 1.

Friday, August 01, 2008

White Castle + Blood Donations = Not Okay

Just saw this new announcement on my work's intranet page:

During the summer months there is a critically need for blood products. Please take the time to schedule an appointment. Win a "free" coupon from White Castle for a burger, chicken, or fish sandwich when you donate in August.

I mean, really? I realize there is a great need for blood donations and I'm happy to give up a pint. But aside from the typo in the announcement, we work at a hospital and they are giving out free White Castle? Gross. There's not even a White Castle anywhere in the vicinity. AND, you can win a free coupon--that doesn't mean you'll definitely get one.
Regardless, I don't think it is part of eating right 4 my type anyway.

Addendum: HMH also noted that to add insult to injury, a White Castle burger only costs, like, 23 cents. Now I feel particularly valued for my blood donation.