Friday, August 15, 2008

Dispatch from Bike School

It's Summer Streets in Manhattan, which means that for three Saturdays in August, a few miles of avenue are closed to traffic and open to bicyclists, runners, walkers, loiterers, etc.

They are also offering free bike lessons for adults and kids.

Now, I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I don't know how to ride a bike. (No, really, I never learned when I was a kid.) I had my first bike lesson in Minnesota last summer, and figured that I might as well have lesson #2 this year. (I realize that at this rate, I will finally be riding a bike around age 56 or so.)

Overall, I think the lesson went well. They took the pedals off the bikes so we could work on our balance and coasting. We went back and forth over a stretch of slightly sloping road in front of the courthouse. I had my good moments where I felt like I was getting the hang of it. And then there were the other moments where I was not getting the hang of it. I didn't graduate up to pedals. I probably could have, but I didn't want to rush it. I think with a few more lessons, I'll actually be able to ride a bike.

HOWEVER, the biggest lesson learned today? Biking hurts like a mother. The bike seat is not kind to one's tenders. Especially when one is shifting their weight back and forth while learning to ride a bike. I hurt. I suspect I will still hurt tomorrow (wimper.)

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