Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Post-Christmas signs

Today was my first day back at work after a blissful 5 days straight off. It is sad to be here, but it's a 3 day week so I think it will be okay. I need to take a break from eating so much anyways. Who ever thought that I would ever tire of eating prime rib, stuffing and mashed potatoes???

However, around 10:30am here in my cubicle, the power went out. My computer screen went black. My spaceheater shut off. I had a mini-blackout within my 5x5 space.

I took it as a sign that I shouldn't be here at work.

I suspect that the girl behind me had turned on HER new space heater, which her crazy boss got her for christmas (my other coworker thinks it was ordered through Staples on our office's tab). The space heater is much bigger than mine and probably shorted out the fuse. Very annoying.

I'm ready to go home.

Later that afternoon, I broke the copy machine too. Apparently, asking it to make copies from 1-sided to 2-sided, sorted, and stapled was just too much for it and it freaked out. I managed to clear out the multiple paper jams, but it said there was a stapler problem. I wasn't going to go near the stapler thing. I sure as hell didn't want to lose an eye.

The admin people in the office asked me to stay away from anything electrical for the rest of the day.

Friday, December 22, 2006

A little bunny love

Maddog is taking care of her class bunny for the Christmas holiday. The bunny's name is Stewart. Stewart is quite cute and looks very much like my old bunny, Annabelle (RIP).

He's cute, right?

Well, Stewart REALLY likes me. He can't keep away from my foot & leg. I haven't kept it still for long enough, but I really think he's trying to hump my leg.

Did I mention Stewart has not been neutered? He's got enormous testicles that drag on the ground. At first I thought he had poop stuck on his butt. Nope, they were his balls. Yup, those are them in the pic below. It doesn't show the full effect, but it's hard to get a good shot with him hopping around. And yup, that's poop stuck to his butt right above. We're not sure if he's got some GI problems, or if it's because he's not been fixed and it gets in the way of , er, proper excretion.

So this all just makes it even grosser that he's trying to hump my leg. I really don't like thinking about some little bunny rubbing his unmentionables on my foot. So now I am not so thrilled to hang out while he's around. I told my sister he has to stay in his cage during Christmas dinner. I want to be able to enjoy the meal, with both feet on the floor, and not in fear that some rabbit is going to molest my feet.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Holiday cheer. Or lack thereof.

I received the following email from our administrative manager here at work:

Subject: Snazzy Holiday Time

Now that the cold weather is here to stay, let’s start diving into the holiday spirit! Feel free to jazz up your work areas with fun decorations and pretty, sparkly things. I’ve got a red bow, a tiny glass tree, and a small stuffed snowman at my desk. Can you top THAT?? Have fun!

Good lord. I love the holidays and all (okay, except for New Year's) but this is a little ridiculous. Don't people have better things to do at work, like blog or email their friends?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A twitch in time

This past week I have had a wicked twitch in my right eye. A coworker of mine said that that means someone is talking about me. If this is true, then someone is talking a whole lot of shit about me this week. Please stop. The twitch is very distracting and unattractive.

Thank you.

Fortune Cookie

Friday, December 01, 2006

Winter storm hits Midwest...

...and then the newscaster goes on to show footage of OKLAHOMA.

Perhaps I am just overly sensitive since I happen to be from a true midwestern state (go gophers!), but there is no way in hell that Oklahoma is a midwest state (except to East Coast people since anything west of NJ seems to be considered Midwest until you hit California.) Bible belt, yes. But, I guess they can't say that on the news. Southern, maybe. Southwest, unlikely. NM and AZ seem to be the only states that are given that designation. It's more Mid-South.

Maybe OK is still finding its geographical identity?