Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Worm Update: Escape from Elsatraz

Well, the worms' productivity level seems to be diminishing. There doesn't appear to be any more compost than there was a month ago. And last week I was in a bit of a panic because the worms were escaping.

Not in droves or anything. That would be really gross and straight out of a B movie. But every day for a week there were 1-3 dried up worm carcasses on my kitchen floor. (Still gross, I know.)

I tried researching causes online but nothing was particularly helpful. Basically, if the worms are unhappy they will try to leave the bin. Well, that's pretty obvious. But the bin could be too wet or too dry, too hot or cold, or they don't like what they are being fed. None of these seemed to apply, but I suspect the worm population grew since I started things and I wasn't feeding them enough. The little guys were hungry.

Now I feed them twice a week and there have been zero casualties/escapees since.

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