Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DrawSomething, the app that tears families apart

DrawSomething is a game that most people I know with an iPhone or iPad play, including my 68 year old mother and the niece and nephew.  Mom and I have played maybe a handful of times and now she refuses to play with me. I think she actually stopped talking to me for few weeks because of it.  How could such a "fun" game cause this rift? Mom totally started it: 

1. She sends me comments via the app that I "need to be more creative" in my drawings.  Really? It was a drawing of a watch.

2. After that criticism, she sketches this beautiful rodent-like animal. (I apologize for not taking a screenshot of it, instead I can only offer one of the niece's drawings.) There was no combination of letters to spell any kind of creature in the animal kingdom.  I consulted with the girls at happy hour and they were stumped. Well, it turns out it the word was FERRY and Mom just misread it as FERRET.  Fine, English is not her first language, but don't give me shit about my drawings then!

3. She also sends me messages through the app like "6/6 Earthquake in Taiwan. I'm okay." I was glad to hear she was okay, but DrawSomething is really not the proper venue to send messages like that. She has a Gmail account. She has a phone. She has iMessage on her iPad.


So I called her out on all of the above and she got upset and stopped playing with me.  At least she still talks to me...

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