Thursday, July 12, 2012

CSI: Animal Kingdom

This is a little late posting, but four months after the devastating loss of Hammy the Hamster, the niece and nephew got two new hamsters, Dumpling and Sizzle (pictured).  They are much smaller and mouse-like compared to the teddybear hamster chunk that was Hammy.

Two months later, the family returned home from dinner to a hamster crime scene:  Sizzle was dead!  No blood, no sign of struggle.  The two had been fighting earlier in the day and had to be separated, but then later they were running tandem on the hamster wheel.

Of course, Maddie blamed herself, and my sister accused Dumpling of murder and was ready to rename him Killer.  But no blood or marks on the body? Did the fat one smother poor little Sizzle to death? Would they continue to live with a murderer in the house?

What we really needed was a hamster CSI team.

Unfortunately, one was not available.  But I did mention it to my go-to animal expert, Zoo Melanie, and she said that occasionally social hamsters can put so much stress on the other that their hearts can't take it and die.  Or, he could have been old or sick and no one knew. That helped console the niece and alleviate her guilt over Sizzle's death.

I think once Dumpling calls it quits they will move on from hamsters. Two hamster deaths within a few months seems a little excessive.  There are only so many potted plants you can bury them in before you have a hamster graveyard in your living room.

R.I.P. Sizzle

Stay Classy, Highland Park Senior High!

I found out that one of the guys I went to high school with was on the 10 o'clock news because he stole an ice cream truck. No lie.

St. Paul man caught cold-handed driving off in stolen ice cream truck

An ice cream truck owner left his van running outside a St. Paul gas station to keep the frozen treats cold in the 100-degree heat when another man hopped in and made a cool getaway.
The owner told police he had converted his 1997 Ford Econoline van into an ice cream truck and was inside the SuperAmerica at 577 Smith Ave. on the Fourth of July holiday Wednesday when witnesses told him a man had driven off in the van, according to a criminal complaint filed Thursday in Ramsey County District Court.

The complaint gives these additional details:
After the owner reported the van stolen, a Mendota Heights police officer stopped the van at Interstate 35E and Minnesota 13.

Joseph Allen Facente, of St. Paul was behind the wheel. He was turned over to St. Paul police officers and told them he had permission to "sell ice cream around the neighborhood."
Asked where he was going, Facente said, "Frogtown -- they love me over there."
He told police he did not steal the van; he had the keys, he said.
He was charged with theft of a motor vehicle.

RIIIIIIIIGHT. The saddest part is, I hear he is a meth addict and so he probably is not so into eating.  What a waste of ice cream!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DrawSomething, the app that tears families apart

DrawSomething is a game that most people I know with an iPhone or iPad play, including my 68 year old mother and the niece and nephew.  Mom and I have played maybe a handful of times and now she refuses to play with me. I think she actually stopped talking to me for few weeks because of it.  How could such a "fun" game cause this rift? Mom totally started it: 

1. She sends me comments via the app that I "need to be more creative" in my drawings.  Really? It was a drawing of a watch.

2. After that criticism, she sketches this beautiful rodent-like animal. (I apologize for not taking a screenshot of it, instead I can only offer one of the niece's drawings.) There was no combination of letters to spell any kind of creature in the animal kingdom.  I consulted with the girls at happy hour and they were stumped. Well, it turns out it the word was FERRY and Mom just misread it as FERRET.  Fine, English is not her first language, but don't give me shit about my drawings then!

3. She also sends me messages through the app like "6/6 Earthquake in Taiwan. I'm okay." I was glad to hear she was okay, but DrawSomething is really not the proper venue to send messages like that. She has a Gmail account. She has a phone. She has iMessage on her iPad.


So I called her out on all of the above and she got upset and stopped playing with me.  At least she still talks to me...