Monday, April 21, 2008


I received a forwarded email from a high school friend of mine in which someone inquired after our high school reunion, along with an accusation that I was shirking my duties.

This is where I should disclose that I was actually senior class president in high school. I know, I know, totally embarrassing and lame. Obviously, I didn't really think through my future responsibilities with that position and was more interested in collecting yet another title for my college applications.

Luckily, I am not in contact with many people from high school, except for Dirty (but wild horses couldn't drag him to reunion anyway) and the one who forwarded me that email. Essentially, I am off the grid.

But for the record, I am officially resigning as senior class president. I feel that someone who has more school spirit (Go Scots!)--and interest--should plan our next high school reunion. I planned AND attended my first (and last) reunion and that was enough for me. I remember faux-cooing over endless pictures of children, barely recognizing people in their weight gain, using the bathroom as an excuse to get out of awkward conversation with my former best friend, and being told that I "used to be so nice in high school." I guess I wouldn't get elected senior class president if there was a re-vote. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than my friend who got "Wow, you're so nice. You were such a bitch in high school."


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