Thursday, April 27, 2006

Personality disorder

Dirty was telling me about this guy last night who is one of those people who is obviously "not in control of his life". Someone who carries like five bags around at one time with stuff falling out of them, disheveled, fly open, toilet paper sticking to their shoe (note: mothers with small children and homeless people do not apply). You know the type. Thankfully, I am not this kind of person. Nor is anyone I am friends with this kind of person. But since I don't know any of these people, I am curious as to what type of person they are and why they can't just get their shit together?

I love personality tests. There is something satisfying about answering a few questions and being placed in a discrete category of person. I know some people don't like them because they think it's a bunch of bullshit ("What's the color of your aura?"), or they don't want to be categorized ("Jung's extrovert/introvert (EI), sensing/intuitive (SN), feeling/thinking (FT) and judging/perceiving (JP)"), or maybe they are scared of the results because sometimes they hit close to home--I remember when a boyfriend of mine took an EQ (emotional quotient) test and he had an extremely low score. He was a little outraged that they told him he wasn't emotionally healthy or something like that. I laughed it off (it's hard to notice those glaring red flags with flashing lights when you are in love). Needless to say, the test was RIGHT ON THE MONEY. Oops. Needless to say, that one didn't work out well. I still have a high EQ though.

On a brief side note, we revisited our usual BFF Bartender last night to celebrate Carina's birthday. She has this ingenious way of reminding us of her birthday, which is 4/26: 4+2=6. Because of this little bit of mathematics, I have never forgotten her birthday in all the years I've known her. BFF Bartender was sporting a terrible faux-mohawk/mullet combination. He had some technical difficulties with some flaming shots and essentially just set all of the glasses and part of the bar on fire. But all was forgiven when I went to close out my tab. He looks at me and says, "You don't have a tab." Um...gosh...okay...thanks. THIS is why he is BFF Bartender.

I bet he has a high EQ.

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