Sunday, April 06, 2008

Off-setting my carbon footprint one worm at a time

So. I have started an indoor worm composting bin. I went to a workshop about it at the public library last week. There were a surprisingly large number of people at the workshop and they were pretty much what you would expect people at a worm composting workshop to be like. Except they were were a little weirder and NOT good listeners. There must have been at least 3 people who asked questions which the presenter had already gone over and was also reiterated in the pamphlets they gave out.

Regardless, here are some pics of my first day of composting:

Basically, you take a box and drill air holes into it. Put lots of shredded damp newspaper (bedding) in. Throw in half a pound of red wiggler worms and there you go. I gave them a day to settle in and this morning I fed them some lettuce. Supposedly, it will take them a few weeks and then voila! I will have plenty of compost to keep my plants happy.

Oh yes, and my garbage (and carbon footprint) will be reduced since I'll be throwing all of my fruit & vegetable waste in with the worms.

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