Friday, June 13, 2008

Eat Right 4 Your Type

SMM told me about this book, Eat Right 4 Your Type, and how it explains what foods are best for your blood type. It's kind of like reading the description of your zodiac sign: "hard-working," "practical," "magnetic," "confident," "independent" and "hard to resist."

I looked it up today and I have mixed feelings about my results:

Type Bs are "balanced omnivores," with a diet that is balanced and wholesome with a wide variety of foods. Well, thank goodness for that.

It says I should avoid shelfish, which is perfectly fine by me anyway, especially after the flashing-eyed lobster experience.

But then it tells me I should also avoid the following:

  • corn (I heart sweet corn)
  • chicken (perhaps)
  • ice cream (riiiight)
  • nuts (this includes peanut butter, which therefore includes Reese's peanut butter cups, which therefore is never going to happen)
  • all wheat products (#%*?!)
  • tomatoes (on the fence about this one: I'd survive without salsa)
  • avocado (ah, guacamole!)
  • tofu (for god's sake, I'm ASIAN)
  • corn syrup (which I know I should avoid, but I can't help it)
  • distilled liquor (for real? but UNdistilled liquor is acceptable?)
Honestly, I don't think I'll be giving up any of the above. I hope this doesn't affect my being "magnetic" and "hard to resist."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Salmonella hometownus

There's an outbreak of salmonella going on in 17 states right now, caused by raw tomatoes. The serotype guilty for the 167 known cases is Salmonella Saintpaul. Any GI outbreak is terrible and I totally sympathize with all of the local health departments out there--there is only so much poop a person can take. I just like that it's named after my hometown. Maybe even more so because there haven't been any cases in St. Paul. Or in New York, for that matter.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cute items of the day

My friends know my interests very well: cupcakes, bunnies and mini-donks. Aaron likes to send me "items of the day" related to said interests.

Some examples:

This last one is a cake shaped like a giant cupcake. He got me the cake mold to make my own oversized cupcake.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Worm Update: Escape from Elsatraz

Well, the worms' productivity level seems to be diminishing. There doesn't appear to be any more compost than there was a month ago. And last week I was in a bit of a panic because the worms were escaping.

Not in droves or anything. That would be really gross and straight out of a B movie. But every day for a week there were 1-3 dried up worm carcasses on my kitchen floor. (Still gross, I know.)

I tried researching causes online but nothing was particularly helpful. Basically, if the worms are unhappy they will try to leave the bin. Well, that's pretty obvious. But the bin could be too wet or too dry, too hot or cold, or they don't like what they are being fed. None of these seemed to apply, but I suspect the worm population grew since I started things and I wasn't feeding them enough. The little guys were hungry.

Now I feed them twice a week and there have been zero casualties/escapees since.

A Donut Tragedy

This made me very sad to see:

All of those little Munchkins wasted!!!